About Me

Surrey, United Kingdom
Hi Humans! I am Proffesor L. Cavy. I am passionate about human films of the horror and monster variety. I think it is because they remind me of my evil... I mean epic... experiments! Welcome to my blog of movie madness!

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Tasmanian Devils (2012)

Watched 12 Jan 2012

So first my first review I have chosen, or rather I have stumbled across Tasmanian Devils (2012). The blurb told me that this would be a rather entertaining romp involving lab Tasmanian Devils accidentally released chomping on some unsuspecting skydivers. Alas The blurb lied to me. First they aren't skydivers d'uh, they are Base jumpers. Also these critters are not from some crazy docs lab (such as my fine establishment). Its a rather wishy washy idea that these are conjured monsters due to accidental human sacrifice (don't you hate it when that happens).

So firstly we shall look at the monsters themselves as without them the film is nothing. Rather cute looking fellas in my opinion. A kind of cross between the hell hounds from ghostbusters and a crocodile. I like the idea of these creatures being mythical and summoned by the locals to get rid of unwanted invaders. I was also quite excited (as excited as learnt Pig of science like myself can be) that these creatures were almost impossible to kill. Unfortunately this falls a little flat when the the puppys die pretty easily and quickly... *sigh* can't have everything right? Also the stupidity of the Devils confuses me, they are attracted to loud noises (and who isn't?) but no mention is made of them being blind, that's because they aren't. But they walk two feet away from a sobbing female of the human variety (in plain sight I might add) and don't see her until her radio begins to crackle. Bit of a weak plot device in a vain attempt to amp up a bit of tension in a rather lack luster affair...

So on to the films story itself. As with all 'produced by syfy' films you have to watch with out any pretencions of Oscar worthy material. Don't get this Prof wrong! I love a good syfy production! This I will have to admit was OK compared to some I have seen (Snowmageddon 2011 being the worst I have seen recently). The acting is pretty mediocre, Danica McKellar (Alex) spends most of the film looking either cross or confused. So much so that I was confused to whether she was actually supposed to be cross or confused. Kenneth Mitchell as Jayne ('like the girl' quips Alex at one point, I'd like to see her say that to the hero of Canton!) is a rather strange choice for the tough handsome lead. He is a rather awkward shambling man and mostly looks a bit embarrassed to be there. So to the rest of the cast it feels like a bit of politically correct box ticking exercise. They are forgettable and inevitably lunch for a Tasmanian Devil.

Overall its provides a few laughs. We're not so much  laughing with it but at it, in its face while slapping it on the shoulder telling it, it tried really hard and that's what matters right? But in the end its a bit of a damp squib.

I recommend watching with others possibly after a beer or 12.

Best Bit - the 'tough' character throwing an empty gun at the devil in a panic then a few scenes later throwing his sunglasses too. Damage to the Devil was minimal, unsurprisingly....

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